
Sunday, September 15

Stewardship Week 2

8:30am Traditional Worship with Communion

9:45am Sunday School 

9:45am Bible Study

10:45am Word & Song Worship with Communion   


Monday, September 16

TBD  WinGs Meeting


Tuesday, September  17

6:00pm AA Meeting


Wednesday, September 18

11:00am Confessional Bible Study/Brown Bag Lunch


Thursday, September 19

12:00pm Senior & Friends Potluck

6:30pm Male Chorus Rehearsal

 Handbells Rehearsal

7:30pm Cantare Choir Rehearsal


Sunday, September 22

Commitment Sunday

Stewardship Week  3

8:30am Traditional Worship with Communion

9:45am Sunday School 

9:45am Bible Study

10:45am Word & Song Worship 


“The Best” Week Two: Stewardship of the Tongue

Stewardship usually focuses on things that are outside of us. Things that we might pay attention to for an hour in our day and then move on to something else. We move on from one thing to the next. But what about your tongue? Are you a good steward of that tongue? This stewardship is different from the things that are outside of you since this is inside of you. The tongue is a part of your body that is exercised every day, no matter where you are or what you’re doing. The question is: Does your tongue ever get you into trouble? Do words or sounds slip out of your mouth without you recognizing it first causing trouble with whom you’re speaking to? Would the person who listens to you say that you sound like a Christian, or would it be something else? The third chapter in James will open up this topic about the tongue and its uses. You will learn that being a good steward of your tongue offers more blessing than you ever imagined and that it’s a discipline that’s worth its weight in gold. Our Lord has blessed us with tongues to speak, communicate, bless, sing, encourage, teach, admonish, and to also receive gifts from Him, all to His glory and not to ours. It is the best!


This Sunday's Sunday School Lesson

Jesus performs an amazing miracle in “A Resurrection Sign”. Mary & Martha’s brother, Lazarus, falls seriously ill. Jesus delays two days, assuring His disciples the disease would not lead to death but to God’s glory. They arrived four days after Lazarus is laid in the tomb. Jesus tells Martha that He is the resurrection and the life, as she boldly confesses, “I believe that You are the Christ, the Son of God” (John 11:27).  Jesus calls Lazarus back to life.


 1st Ever Music Ministry Meet & Greet

Monday, September 30th, 6:30pm- St. Stephen Lutheran Church

Anyone interested in any type of music ministry is encouraged to attend! 

We will be discussing ideas on how we can partner

 in music & share our talents with the churches in our circuit.

Please bring a “finger food” to serve 6, pizza & beverages will be provided

***Please RSVP Tammy Miller 

Great Lakes Academy of Pontiac School Uniform Donation

Alexandrea Calme, member of St. Stephen, is the principal at Great Lakes Academy in Pontiac. She and her staff are working to collect new or gently used school uniforms to help support their school families who may struggle to purchase them for their children this upcoming school year. A uniform collection box will be in the church’s lobby beginning this Sunday.

 If you have any questions, please contact Alex at

St. Stephen Music Department

Friendly, dedicated musicians serving in the heart of our church & community

Love Music? Want to meet musical friends?

 Want a weekly break to spend time with friends in devotion and prayer?

We rehearse on Thursday evenings beginning September 19th

Handbells 6:30-7:30pm

Male Chorus 6:30-7:30pm

Cantare Choir 7:30-8:30pm

Praise Team TBD

Play an instrument? Inquire about any opportunities!


*Sign up sheet available on the Welcome Desk in the lobby*

OKTOBERFEST at Our Shepherd Lutheran Church, Birmingham

Saturday, September 21st, 3-10pm

14 Mile Rd. East of Woodward Avenue

Authentic German food & beverages

Eric Neubauer German Band & folk sing-a-long, Bavarian Park Dancers

No entrance fee and free meal to all attendees

Annual Lutherfest Concert at Guardian Lutheran Church, Dearborn

Sunday, November 3rd at 3pm


The Lutheran Center Association of Detroit invites you to their annual Lutherfest Concert. 

This year’s program, under the direction of Jacob Ferns, will celebrate the 500th anniversary

 of the 1st Lutheran hymnals, and highlight the hymnody of the Lutheran Church from over the last five hundred years. 


Lutheran High North West invites you to join them for these upcoming events:


Crusader Open House– Wednesday September 18th

Guided tours for prospective families with students at all grade levels. Tours begin every 10 minutes from 6:30-7:30 pm

Preregister at


Lutheran High Northwest Homecoming– Friday, September 20th

As a part of the day’s festivities, we’ll be hosting a Punt, Pass, & Kick Competition for students in grades K-8 AND an Alumni Tailgate

Stay for the Football game at 7pm as the Crusaders kick off against the Warriors of Lutheran Westland. Kids through 8th grade get in free. Additional details of the day’s events can be found at


26th Annual Crusader Golf Outing-Saturday, October 5th

Westwynd Golf Glub, Oakland Twp.

Cost is $140 per golfer

For additional details and link to register, visit


The Body of Christ and the Public Square- A Religious Liberty Conference

Featuring Dr. Ben Carson


October 5, 2024    9:00am-3:00pm


Register ONLINE ONLY by visiting

(Registration closes Monday, September 30, 2024, or when seating capacity is met)


Location: Our Savior Evangelical Lutheran Church & School 

13667 W. Highland Road

Hartland, MI 48353 248-887-4300



Good Shepherd Lutheran Church & School- Holiday Craft Show 2024

Saturday, November 2nd


All crafters are welcome **Businesses will be represented only once, on a first come, first serve basis**

Space Information: $45 for an 8x10 space-One table and two chairs provided. Tables will be assigned. Limited electric. 


Check out the flyer posted on the bulletin board in the lobby for more information.


Questions, please contact: Michela Tierney 248-821-8313 or


